Useful tips : Insert a clob of more than 4k into database
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In fact clob are designed to be large objects consisting of characters, so you might be surprise if you try once, with Java JDBC to insert into a database a String of more than 4000 chars… Because the system will crash without telling you any further explanation other than a SQLException.
And as a matter of fact 4k char is not exactly what anyone would call a “large object”, but the explanation is simple, if you try to insert a tuple into the database using a CLOB directly, if you didn’t declare any particuliar behaviour, Oracle will try to store it INLINE (within the same segment) if its size is <4k otherwize the handling is external so you must initialize the tuple with the value EMPTY_CLOB().
The solution to this problem is therefor to do something like this :
// Insert once : st.executeUpdate("insert into MY_TABLE values(" + id+ "',EMPTY_CLOB())"); // and update : // using a prepare statement as usual st.close();
Enjoy !!