New blog and Macbook Air review after 5 months

Here we go, it’s a new blog, i moved from to, but don’t worry i transfered all the posts in order to keep the memory from my last blog.

Let’s see the future, this post is about another Macbook Air review, i already did one but it was four month ago and my situation has changed, and so did my point of view. The point is that now i can’t bring my laptop to work, and i have a workstation at work. So my macbook air is mainly used as my main computer once at home…

So when i come back home and need to work/play, and all i have is my macbook air… i’m a little bit frustrated, and i have to admit that with running an XP Virtual Machine + Tomcat + Apache + Mysql + PostgreSQL + iTunes + Eclipse is making my little laptop a little bit tired …

My point is that this laptop is clearly designed for moving people, and it’s not a powerful one  even if it’s realy convenient. I still like this laptop, even if currently i’m dreaming of something a little bit stronger like this one :


I think it’s a symptom of the fact that nowadays all you see, all you can buy is laptops, mini-laptops and xxxx-laptops, so now i’m almost dreaming of buying an Alienware (even if it’s just to work lol ). The main answer of this post is that the Macbook air is a great laptop when you need to move, but when you’re home, i think a more powerful one is a must have.

And if you think that it’s a “Man-Thing” to always want something more powerful, i can tell you that a girl that i know, who has almost 3 laptops is also getting tired of these and staring at über-strong computers.
