
From Pandas to Apache Spark’s Dataframe

State of the Python/PyPi dependency graph

I usually work in Java/Maven environment, so when I explain to people that Python also has a package manager - a bit less heavy than maven - and that it's working pretty well, I always have to answer the same question : “Ok, but how does it solve the transitive dependency hell ?”

New Year’s Python Meme 2012

Snow leopard and Qt/PyQt 4.8.x won’t work

Handle Celery-dependent tests in Django and with django-jenkins

So in your life, one of these days, you're going to realize you need tests, and that “maybe” you also need to test components that depend on several Celery tasks.

La puissance et le contrôle

En développement, comme dans beaucoup d'arts martiaux, on peut devenir fort assez rapidement. On peut se fixer des objectifs (une ceinture, une victoire / maitriser une technologie ou réaliser un projet perso) et les atteindre rapidement selon le language, le maître et l'implication qu'on y met.

How to be a happy programmer (with Python) ? 2/3

In the series of the Python “features” that makes me happy last time i began with two concepts, the with statement and the list comprehensions, now i'm going to talk about Multiple assignments and the import aliases.

Using TOR with Python

There are many occasion where you may be limited using your own IP address, i will obviously only refer myself to “rightful” cases where you need to use different IP address in very short lapse of time. Let's say you want to test your website localization functionality, or just access it using many different IP address and see how the system deals with it.

How to be a happy programmer (with Python) ? 1/3

I've just watched Hillary Mason's talk in Pycon 2011 :
And that got me thinking about all the python constructs that makes my day better, and i decided to make a list of them and their meaning.

A good oldie : 1996 Java Vs Python

Un hébergement qui vaut le détour : AlwaysData

Ok, ce n'est très certainement pas mon domaine d'expertise, mais je suis un programmeur Python, principalement sur Django et je cherche souvent un hébergement.

[Django] Append objects in request.session

This article is once again more of a reminder to me, i hope it will help everyone at the same time.

Comment créer des sous-formulaires à partir d’un Model Django

Création de modèles avec PySide/PyQt

Ça y est ! mon dernier article sur dé est terminé, relu, vérifié, contre-vérifié etc.

Introduction et prise en main de PyQt/PySide

Better web applications