
Object oriented programming deemed irrelevant

I've been coding since 2006, during this time I've seen multiple trends & technologies emerge, rise and fall - nowadays the elephant in the room is the bad press around OOP languages the likes of Java, C#, C++.

Changing Spark’s default java serialization to Kryo

Apache Spark's default serialization relies on Java with the default readObject(...) and writeObject(...)  methods for all Serializable classes. This is a very fine default behavior as long as you don't rely on it too much...

Dagger and Play 2 Java

Highlighting field in memory-based Lucene indexes

I'm using more and more Lucene these days, and getting in depth on a few subjects, today i'm going to talk to you about how to handle the new Highlighting features available with Lucene 4.1.

How to test and understand custom analyzers in Lucene

I've began to work more and more with the great “low-level” library Apache Lucene created by Doug Cutting. For those of you that may not know, Lucene is the indexing and searching library used by great entreprise search servers like Apache Solr and Elasticsearch.

Going offline with Maven

At Lateral-Thoughts, we organize at least once a year, what we call a “Timeoff” where we get together in a nice place and hack on what we want. It can be a learning period or a startup weekend-like event where we hack on a product/idea. Last time it was in a nice house in Guérande where we had everything we needed, internet access, rooms, tables, lots of space, an indoor swimming pool and a barbecue !

State of the Maven/Java dependency graph

So here it comes, the second part of a three part articles on dependencies in different world, the first part was about Python/PyPi dependencies and considering the size of the graph : 20661 Nodes, 14047 Edges,  I was able to show you the graph in an interactive javascript app using SigmaJS. But this times it's different, after extracting the metadata from Maven repositories, the raw data file generated weights 273M, and the size of the whole directed dependency graph is 186 384 Nodes and 1 229 083 Edges, in other words, it's going to be tough to show you the whole graph interactively but the raw data, the graph file and the Gephi file are available on the GitHub project.

La puissance et le contrôle

En développement, comme dans beaucoup d'arts martiaux, on peut devenir fort assez rapidement. On peut se fixer des objectifs (une ceinture, une victoire / maitriser une technologie ou réaliser un projet perso) et les atteindre rapidement selon le language, le maître et l'implication qu'on y met.

Should i really learn Java ?

So i’ve been a professional Java developper for a few years now, and the question seems interesting to me. Should, let’s say a student, really learn Java even if he does not want to do “Enterprise applications” ?

Short answer, Yes.

Agilité et BuildWall

Etat de l’art de la GED OpenSource

Moving On…

Ca y est ! Fin de mission aujourd'hui.

A good oldie : 1996 Java Vs Python

MultiThreaded Test cases – Why ? How ? and What’s for dinner ?

Okay so to make a small introduction (i promise a tiny one) i’m starting to contribute into VirgoRT (ex-SpringSource DM Server) for me it’s an opportunity to work with great people, learn more about OSGi and work on a real JEE application server (and more).

Building Virgo on MacOsX Leopard

I won’t say that my contribution to this work will be tremendous, but it’s nice to know a little more if you want to try out building the ex SpringSource DM Server

Machine-learning empowerment – Apache Mahoot

Maybe we’ll soon be able to get more out of machine learning algorithms, Google is communicating a lot, throught the GSOC (Google Summer of Code) and Google Code as a whole, on this project and supporting the Apache foundation.

Self-Improvement : [Java] – Weak references (Soft/Phantom)

Self-Improvement : [Java] – ClassLoading in depth

Useful Tips : StringBuilder and Java String Concatenation

Design Pattern : Proxy

Advanced use of Eclipse for Java

Better web applications

Expression régulières Vs State Machines

Modélisation de la C.A.F par des Threads asynchrones